About Us

You need a trainer that fits both you and your dog.

You are in good hands. We are actively endorsed by Vancouver based Veterinarians, Veterinary Behaviourists and fellow dog trainers alike.
We match you to a trainer based on your goals, your dog’s temperament and your location.
Our diversely skilled, educated & experienced trainers are experts in our own chosen niches. Click below to learn more about our greatest passions and areas of specialty.

Why Us?

  • We are more than just dog trainers!

    With our unique approach, we will guide you through the woes of puppy raising, surviving teenage madness or healing your dog’s trauma/fears while helping you create a lasting bond.

    With us you’ll explore:

    • What your dog is communicating to you

    • Why they are behaving a certain way

    • What you can do to change their behaviour or reactions

    • How to prevent behaviour concerns & have a well mannered dog

    • How you can help them trust, connect & listen to you… so you can have the dog of your dreams, and so you can be the human of theirs

  • Our goal is to help you understand your dog & learn how to effectively communicate with them so you can both thrive.

  • Working with us is anything but transactional. We are as invested in your progress as you are. We endeavour to act as your support system for years to come.

  • We work with clients who are prepared to invest energy into their relationship with their dog. We are not here to offer you with quick fixes that will harm your relationship long term - although our tips will often create quick results.